Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beautiful Blogger Award

I am SUPER EXCITED! I have received my first blog award. Melissa, over at The Life of a Sippy Cup Mom, gave me the Beautiful Blogger Award. I've never met her in real life but she has been very helpful with answering random questions from a newbie blogger and I appreciate you thinking of me for this award.

This award comes with some rules!

1. Thank whoever gave you the award.

2. Tell 7 things about yourself that readers may not know.
3. Pay it forward by nominating 15 bloggers you've recently discovered.

Seven Things You Might Not Know About Me

I lived in England for 3 years.
2. I tore my ACL on my right knee the very first time I ever went skiing. Ran right into that orange mesh fencing and had to be strapped to a stretcher and taken to the clinic on a snowmobile. Very Embarrassing!
3. I still think that spiders will "get me" when on the toilet because of the movie Arachnophobia.
I love reading instruction manuals. Like to cars and gadgets.
5. I love Reality TV like Big Brother, Real Housewives of wherever shows, Top Chef, Project Runway, The City, The Hills.....The list could go on forever!
6. I can't stand to have my hair touch the back of my neck when I am laying down.
7.I can pretty much associate all important memories from my life by a smell or song.

Now to pass on the Beautiful Blogger Award! Here is my list of "Beautiful Bloggers":

Real Life With Kids
Dearinger Diary
Mommy Burgh
4. Happy Healthy & Loved

The House of Burks
6. The Wilson Family

Ten Talents
The Cooks Buns This is my real life BFF and she is Totally Fabulous in real life and bloggy world!
Mommy Moment
11. Eternal Lizdom

12. A Belle, a Bean & a Chicago Dog

Rants From Mommyland
Mommy & Molly
Money Saving Queen She helps save me lots of money and was one of the first blogs I ever read!
These are all amazing blogs that in some way help make my days more fabulous. Check them out!!!


Diane said...

Aw thanks for the award! :) You really are a beautiful blogger and I am so glad to be a follower!

Kellie Girl said...

First of all congrats on the award! Second thanks for nominating me, although my damn computer blew up and I can't update my blog currently! I do hope to re-enter the bloging world very soon. And third I think your fabulous to! Comment from your completely opposite real life friend on my iPhone aren't you proud...I can use it when need be;) love you!

Mommy Moment said...

Awe, Thanks!
Your blog is so sweet :)
I am blessed to get this award from you!


Erika said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

And you deserve this so much!

Great post! xoxo

gone said...

Congrats! I am now following you as well.
Stay Fabulous

Cate @ RealLifewithKids said...

Congrats, Carly!
And thanks so much for the honor! That totally made my day!!
You'll have to pop over and see your award on my site! I'm also snagging your button for my new front page!
Take care! Can't wait to follow the others on your list!

Terra Heck said...

Hello! Stopping by via Tuesday Tag-Along and am now a follower.
I'm a fan of reality shows as well, with my favorite being Desperate Housewives of New York City. Congrats on the award.

Claudia said...

You are the first person I EVER met who likes reading instruction manuals... ;=)
But it's nice to meet you-love your blog layout!

Eternal Lizdom said...

Oh thank you thank you!!! I'll blog about it on Friday!!

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