Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is it a Boy or a Girl???

Waiting to find out the gender of this baby has been driving me crazy since the second I found out I was pregnant. Partly because I have blabbed to anyone that would listen how badly I'm hoping it's a girl since this will be our last and we already have a wonderful three year old boy. I even charted my ovulation for several months in order to try and pinpoint the optimal time to conceive a girl. So after all that blabbing and charting I was thrilled to discover a product that could predict the gender of baby #2 at only 10 weeks pregnant and with 82% accuracy. The product is the Intelligender Gender Prediction Test. It is an at home test that you can buy at most pharmacies for around $34.95. It is much like a pregnancy test and is very simple to use. And as most of you know from my pregnancy announcement post my affinity for peeing on things and getting a fast result, this product was right up my alley.
The company sent me a free one to try and I had to contain myself to wait and take it at 10 weeks. The morning of my 10 weeks I got up early and used my first morning urine for the best results and took the test. And according to the Intelligender test I am having...........................................
A boy! Dun Dun Dun!!!!!!!!! Please say it isn't so. I won't lie, I was like oh no, this can't be right, I must have done it incorrectly. So just to be sure I took another one. LOL! I told you I have an affinity for peeing on things. And the second test said.........................................................................

HAHA!!! So, we'll have to wait and see what my 20 week anatomy ultrasound says tomorrow to see if both the tests are correct. But this was a fun way to pass the time while I waited either way. I wouldn't go out and pick your nursery room colors just yet but it adds another fun little thing to do while you wait for that second trimester ultrasound.

Intelligender has several other products for mom and baby in their IntelliCeuticals line that are all natural. You can check them out online at http://www.intelligender.com/home.html.


Jessica Warrick said...

Oh man i hope its a girl but it may just be a boy.

Unpolished Parenting said...

Dah! Well, I can't wait to hear what the u/s shows! I looked at my Chinese gener predictor - it said boy last time (wrong) & said boy this time too (I have another month to wait to find out... and I'm dying to know!!!) Whether you have a boy or a girl, it will be an amazing experience! :)

Brandy@YDK said...

I did the intelligender too because I couldn't handle it. It said boy and I had a boy. I hope yours is the 20% that could be wrong.

Anonymous said...

I took 2 of them. Both said girl...they were right. After having 3 little boys, I finally had my first little girl this past October.

Unknown said...

Looks like Intelligender got this one wrong :)

amy (fearless homemaker) said...

hopefully it just wasn't working right those two times! keeping my fingers crossed for you - i know you want a girl so badly! good luck tomorrow!


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